Thursday, April 25, 2013

This is a GIF of Kellin Quinn, the front man of my favorite band at a show. This goes along with the theme "It is important for people to have a place where they feel like they belong" from the novel Of Mice and Men. I agree with this totally. As silly as it sounds, I feel like I belong at rock shows. It's the best feeling in the world and my favorite place to be. At these shows I let loose completely. I dance and sing along every single lyric to all of my favorite songs with not a care in the world. I relate my life so closely to music and its like at these shows I'm living in only that moment of these amazing musicians that I look up to right in front of me while they share their music with me. I'm not thinking of anything else other than that. It's truly amazing and a complete fix for me.

This picture is a picture in found in the Rio Grand Sun of my dad investigating a crime scene. I feel that this picture goes along with the theme "Courage" in the novel Of Mice and Men. As a police officer, I believe that my dad has a lot of courage to go out there and risk his life every single day. Terrible things happen. With the job that my dad has, he goes after those terrible things and that can put him in very dangerous situations. I look up to my dad because I know that I would be too scared to do half the things that he does as a police officer.

This picture is a collage of me and my two best friends. This picture represents the theme "Having friends and a stable home fulfills two of our basic human needs" in the novel Of Mice and Men. I agree with this statement completely. My friends are my rock, they give me the foundation I need to feel confident that I have a home and a place of belonging. I feel that humans are naturally social and without this we would lose our sanity. Without my friends my life would be dull. There would be no one to share good times with and every day would just be another day.